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Mossberg Maverick 88 Heat Shield is Easy to Install!


A heat shield is a very vital accessory for your shotgun. If you are yet to install it, then you are really doing a big mistake. You might be thinking that as the barrel is made from metal, it will not easily deform due to the heat that generates inside it when you take gun shots. But some time in case of frequent gun shots, the heat inside the barrel can rise very high and this heat can easily melt down the barrel. With a deformed barrel, your shotgun is of no use. So, you need to protect the barrel of the gun first and this is where the installation of the Mossberg Maverick heat shield can bring handy outcome for you.

·This heat shield can be installed easily

It’s a kind of heat shield that you can easily install for the weapon. It is also not going to add additional weight for the gun so that you will get a very heavy weapon to use. It’s a kind of heat shield that has managed to draw a great deal of attentions from the shot gun owners these days. This heat shield is designed to bring ample protection for the barrel of your shot gun.

Mossberg Maverick 88 Heat Shield
Mossberg Maverick 88 Heat Shield

· First protect yourself

Apart from protecting the shotgun’s barrel, the heat shield can also protect your hands from possible burning. As the heat inside the barrel is not good for the barrel, it is also not good for your hands in case you touch that heated barrel by mistake. To prevent the burning of your hands, you must install the Mossberg Maverick 88 heat shield now!

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